Sally Hansen Kiwi Bikini and Nails Inc Chelsea Embankment

Hi Everyone!

Today I’m wearing a lovely bright green colour called Kiwi Bikini by Sally Hansen and the gold glitter accent nail is Nails Inc Chelsea Embankment.

This is two coats of each polish over Millionails and I used a gloopy layer of Seche Vite to top it off. (Don’t you hate when it goes gloopy half way down the bottle? I chucked it in the bin after this mani but then went back an hour later and fished it out because it does look so smooth even when it gloops!)

The gold glitter is sooo sparkly! Every time I wear a Nails Inc glitter I think to myself “Nails Inc really do the best glitters” – they are always pretty and super sparkly and they are full coverage! This is two coats!

What other glitter can you say looks this good after only two coats? I mentioned yesterday, briefly, that it’s hard to justify the price of some higher end polishes but Nails Inc glitters are worth every penny and I get so much enjoyment out of them that I never think twice about buying them.

I actually went through my polishes today looking for another colour to replace the green, that would also go with the gold and thought about only changing polish on my green nails because I don’t want to take the gold off. I ended up just leaving it alone. I love the sparkle! :)

224 Sally Hansen Kiwi Bikini and Nails Inc Chelsea Embankment

What do you guys think of accent nails? I read this article ages ago and it still annoys me because it was so bitchy – I remember Kaley Couco getting married and thinking her nails were so young and cool! I just recently got into accent nails and I think they’re fun! I’d love to know what you all think :)

Thanks for looking!

-Eleobel <3

11 thoughts on “Sally Hansen Kiwi Bikini and Nails Inc Chelsea Embankment

  1. Pingback: Fav 14 polishes of 2014! :) | Eleobel's Nails

  2. Pingback: Sally Hansen Kiwi Bikini and Nails Inc Chelsea Embankment Nail Design - Nail Art Design

  3. Pingback: Sally Hansen Kiwi Bikini and Nails Inc Chelsea Embankment Nail Art - Nail Art Design

  4. I love accent nails, they’re a nice way to jazz up a manicure. Or to use that nail varnish which you don’t dare wear on all your nails! Loving this green and gold combination. xxx


  5. Love that green and the *bling* of the accent!

    I don’t wear accent nails, I prefer basic manis on myself, but I do enjoy seeing the lovely accents others create :)


I would love to know what you think. Please leave a comment below :)